28 July 2005
23 July 2005
22 July 2005
19 July 2005
17 July 2005
16 July 2005
14 July 2005
13 July 2005
Newborn Lion Cub
Savannah, a lioness, and her newborn cub. It's a boy!
For somebody who has close contact with many wonderful, exotic animals and the photos to prove it, Misadventures213's photostream is surprisingly under-viewed. Anybody who loves animals should make her a contact and keep an eye on her photos.
12 July 2005
Goodbye Gidget
Special tells a beautiful, emotional tale about this little calf, and how accident and fate come together. Visit the page for this photo to read the story and, if you're moved, leave a comment.
08 July 2005
07 July 2005
Mina's delight
kmi's pet chinchilla, Mina, rolls happily in the sandbox. But don't stop at this photo; see more of Mina!