28 July 2005

White Heron

Egret BW, originally uploaded by LBELL.

A great white heron in Florida is captured beautifully in black and white.

Two Happy Dogs

Two Happy Dogs, originally uploaded by Just Jo.

Pure joy unleashed!


Cassiopeja, originally uploaded by Anders Viklund.

Now and then, everybody needs a good photo of a really cute kitten. This little fuzzball really fits the bill.

23 July 2005

Bucked Teef Benny

Bucked Teef Benny, originally uploaded by belliebottom.


sunnyloch, originally uploaded by FFE.

Sunny coming out of her hole!

Bluebird Nestbox

Day-old baby bluebirds in a nestbox put up by lucycat.

22 July 2005

We Are Ferocious

we are ferocious, originally uploaded by Kevin Steele.

A selection from today's "Furry Friday" pool posts.

Beautiful and Big Eye

beautiful and big eye, originally uploaded by kumon.

The lovely eye of a cow.

19 July 2005

Man & Monkey

Man&Monkey, originally uploaded by Robin Hutton.

You have to wonder, which one of them is driving?


Cicada, originally uploaded by gotigersjf.

The creepy-looking cicada is common in the Southeastern United States during the summer. The atmospheric buzzing sound they create is as famous and as recognizable as the chirp of crickets.

Variegated Fairy-wren

Variegated Fairy-wren, originally uploaded by iwasfixin2.

17 July 2005

Amagoia and Gedeón

Serie Amagoia con Gedeón 1, originally uploaded by Tenebris.

Amagoia teaches Gedeón to lick the salt instead of biting it. A wonderful depiction of the close relationship between the rider and the steed.

Sandy Going for the Ball

Sandy going for the ball (2), originally uploaded by stephen0077.

What a fantastic action-shot!

16 July 2005

Kitty Love

Kiss, originally uploaded by fofurasfelinas.

Who needs puppy love? Try kitty love instead!

14 July 2005

White Lamb

White Lamb, originally uploaded by Mountain Mike.

I can't imagine how a lamb could possibly be any cuter than this. An amazing photo of a gorgeous, sweet little bundle of fluff!

13 July 2005


SpiderPortfolioShot, originally uploaded by The Coyote.

Coyote's macro of a translucent green spider is one of the most amazing photos of a spider I've ever seen. Creepy and yet beautiful. It makes me wonder why humans tend to be so afraid of spiders. Perhaps it's simply because they are so radically different from humans?

Newborn Lion Cub

LION - SAVANNAH, originally uploaded by Misadventures(213).

Savannah, a lioness, and her newborn cub. It's a boy!

For somebody who has close contact with many wonderful, exotic animals and the photos to prove it, Misadventures213's photostream is surprisingly under-viewed. Anybody who loves animals should make her a contact and keep an eye on her photos.

12 July 2005


sentinel, originally uploaded by jurvetson.

A stunning macro of a sentinel ant in a bio-gel ant farm.

Goodbye Gidget

Goodbye Gidget, originally uploaded by Special.

Special tells a beautiful, emotional tale about this little calf, and how accident and fate come together. Visit the page for this photo to read the story and, if you're moved, leave a comment.

08 July 2005


Chickadee, originally uploaded by Steve Felix.

07 July 2005

Mina's delight

Mina's delight, originally uploaded by kmi.

kmi's pet chinchilla, Mina, rolls happily in the sandbox. But don't stop at this photo; see more of Mina!

Butterflies Feeding

butterflies feeding, originally uploaded by jaroslavd.

Butterflies "dine in" at the Singapore Zoo.

05 July 2005

Oh my deer!

oh my deer!, originally uploaded by limemintcooler.

Big Blue Eyes

big blue eyes, originally uploaded by ARRUDA.

01 July 2005

I feel good

I feel good, originally uploaded by Cilest.

A cat could never be happier!

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!, originally uploaded by gundog247.

This is what happens when Canada Day falls on a Furry Friday.